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A beginners guide to financial literacy for women

Empowering Women Through Financial Literacy: A Beginner’s Guide

Financial literacy is a powerful tool for women to gain independence, confidence, and control over their futures. However, studies have shown that women often face unique financial challenges, including longer life expectancy, potential career breaks, and a persistent gender wage gap. Understanding the basics of financial literacy—planning, saving, investing, and debt management—can help women navigate these challenges and build a solid financial foundation.

What Does The Election Mean For Your Investments?

Election years tend to bring heightened uncertainty to market-correlated investments as investors wrestle with the potential impacts of policy shifts, regulatory changes and even global reactions to U.S. politics. Even savvy market investors face a struggle trying to apply a steady hand while riding the roller coaster.

The good news is that you don’t actually have to ride the election year roller coaster to benefit from investing.

4 Myths about Women and Investing Debunked

Today, women are making remarkable leaps and bounds when it comes to their personal and household finances. In fact, they control about one-third of the wealth of US households, and that’s only expected to rise. But people still have some misconceptions about women and investing so in this blog, we’ll debunk the 4 most common myths about women and investing, and uncover a few facts that may surprise you.

6 Ways Women Can Take Control of Their Financial Future

Women have made leaps and bounds when it comes to their finances. Today, they’re taking control of their money and are in the driver’s seat when it comes to their financial future. However, many women are still apprehensive about many investment decisions and continue, on average, to have lower financial literacy than men.